My favorite meat ever will always be pork. Always. From ham, pork chops, pulled pork to delicious pork ribs like this recipe I am sharing today. I grew up near pig farms so it’s always been a familiar and comforting food to me. However, I had no idea, until recently that one-third of all the pork raised in the U.S. comes from Iowa! I have a good pork farming friend in Iowa. She has taught me a lot about how her modern family farm works.

Helpful Hints

Need To Clean Your Dishwasher? Here’s How

Do you ever load your dishwasher, run it with your favorite, reliable detergent, and then find that your glasses are cloudy? If that scenario sounds familiar, you may need to clean your dishwasher. While you may keep your windows shiny, your floors spic and span, and your heirloom family silver looking like it’s brand new, it may not occur to you wash the machine that washes your dishes. Dishwashers really do need the occasional cleaning, though, because over time grease, soap scum, and food debris can build up reducing their efficiency and providing a breeding ground for germs.

How Often To Clean Your Dishwasher

According to Poole, you should be thoroughly cleaning your dishwasher every month, including the entire interior, door, gasket, and filter…

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